Helping non-native English speakers excel


At Global English Editing, we believe that every student ought to be judged by the standard of their ideas, and not their English language skills. esl editor

We understand that writing in English when your second language could be a very daunting experience. Even if ESL students are highly proficient at speaking English, writing academic material is a far more difficult prospect. Whilst some students prefer their writing to remain English for academic reasons, other people are on exchange programmes which require they write in English. Performs this mean ESL students are destined for lower marks? Absolutely not! professional book editors

We know ESL students, with the help of an editor, can produce an essay or thesis every bit as impressive his or her native-speaking peers. A great editor will check yourexpression and style, word selection, sentence structure and of course grammar and spelling which means that your writing is confident and clear. You’ll get marked on what you’re saying, not how you’re saying it, by expressing yourself clearly.

Global English Editing is actually a small team of editors with backgrounds in ESL tutoring, professional writing and academia. Our ESL editing service is created specifically for those who write in English as a second language. Make contact with us, and we’ll demonstrate the way we can positively enhance your work.